Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 3-Atlantic Ocean/Charleston Harbor

Lacy was exhausted from rowing by the time she reached the docks. She looked and felt as if she had really just survived a brutal shark attack.

Slowly climbing out of the boat, she began limping to her car. She fumbled around for her keys and finally opened the car door. With her cell phone she made the all important call to the police.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she sauntered around to the back of the car and popped the trunk. She had to make sure there was no blood, hair, or anything else which could incriminate her as the killer of Rob Grossman.

Of course there was nothing for her to be concerned about. The triple wrapping of Rob's body in garbage bags had been enough. The police would never suspect Lacy of anything.

It helped her cas that the sheriff was coming out to meet her. Sheriff Watson had always helped Lacy through difficult times. He was a good friend of her father's and was like a second dad to her. The only disagreement they had ever had was about her father's "accident."

The sirens and blue lights approaching Lacy lit up the night sky and danced off the water bringing Lacy back to the present. She had to collect herself, or did she?

Maybe looking a little lost would help my case.

She had been daydreaming about her father's funeral. It was amazing how many people had actually shown up to say goodbye to her daddy. In her mind, she could see the faces of everyone as if it had happened yesterday. She still had a lot of good business relationships with some of those people. Of course, there were those there that day who she couldn't stand. How could they, the low life backstabbers, show up at her father's funeral? Fortunately, one of those people would be completely devoured by sharks.

Sheriff Watson's car was the first to pull up. The car had barely come to a complete stop when he jumped out of it, jogging up to Lacy.

Watson was a round man, but funny and as laid back a person as you would ever want to meet. He grew up in the low country of South Carolina with Lacy's father, but he never outgrew his southern charm like her father had. Watson had gone off to Furman, while her daddy went to Clemson.

Lacy knew he would do all he could to help her in this, another terrible situation.

"Lacy, my goodness gracious child, why do you keep goin' out and findin' trouble?"

"I don't," stammered Lacy, physically upset. "Trouble just seems to find me like a black cat creeping 'round the front porch."

She broke down and fell into the sheriff's arms. He embraced her and pulled her close to him, just like he would have if she were his own daughter. She felt safe and secure around him, like the world couldn't touch her.

There were times growing up when she wished Sheriff Watson had been her father, but then she would realize the life she wanted wouldn't have been available to her if he had been. Being pregnant right out of high school, which could have been a possibility, was not in her dreams. So she had to settle for Watson being her godfather. Of course, she still cared deeply for him.

However, it didn't matter how much she loved hime for always being there, there were certain things about which she didn't mind lying to him. At times, she thought he knew everything she had done in her life, and he was letting her get away with it because of who she was, and who her father was.

That isn't the case and you know it. He doesn't suspect you of a thing. You're this dainty, precious child to him. You can get away with murder around him.

Lacy began to tell Sheriff Watson what had happened, and he looked at her with those understanding brown, doe eyes. She felt certain he would believe every aspect of her story.

1 comment:

  1. Patiently waiting on chapter 4 :). Massive rewrite/overhaul I hear?....oh well, I'm not going anywhere. Let us know on fb when you get the next chapter up!
